Background Check

United States

I had an interesting N-400 interview yesterday. Don't know where to start but the IO stemmed out of the office with my thick file while I was waiting for my attorney to arrive. I quickly summed him up to be a hard ass. BTW, I have been an officer of the law for a little over four years now...My attorney arrived shortly after and we went to this small conference room. I was sworn to tell the truth, and the interview started.

I had an interesting N-400 interview yesterday. Don't know where to start but the IO stemmed out of the office with my thick file while I was waiting for my attorney to arrive. I quickly summed him up to be a hard ass. BTW, I have been an officer of the law for a little over four years now...My attorney arrived shortly after and we went to this small conference room. I was sworn to tell the truth, and the interview started.

This IO went over most of the questions on my N-400, made corrections a few places... He only looked at my GC and Selective Service card for verification. So he asks me if I've ever been arrested or detained? I answered no, and he went on trying to trick me! He was like what did you go to court for?? I arrest law offenders on a regular basis; oh yeah he asked him if I had arrested anybody lately while looking over my employment history. So I told him yeah...last week!! And he just blew me off to the next section of my N-400. It seemed like he had a secret agenda! I felt like if my attorney wasn't there he'd have crucified me!! Anyway, I was married to a USC before, divorced, and survived removal proceedings in Septmember 05. Ofcourse, his sympathy was "we gave you a little trouble last year, huh" He had the driest sense of humor! So he asks me if I was a member of a terrorist organization? And so on... At the end of the interview, he pulled the questions. He asked me like 5 questions for which I got them all right. And he wrote down P for Pass on the sheet. He had me sign my three names on the photos, N-400 and the test.

Anyway, after all was done he DID NOT congratulate me for passing...You would expect someone to shake your hand!!!!!!! He asked me if I had any questions!! I said no. DO NOT VOLUNTEER any information to immigration officials...I mean for crissake, I am an officer of the law...shouldn't I know better? So he said my background check was still pending; did FP on 02/10/06. And he said it could take weeks or years, what a dry sense of humor. He said I would be notified in the mail once my BC was complete.

TIME line:
N-400: Sept 29, 05
PD: 01/05/06
FP: 02/10/06
Interview: 03/14/06
BC: Pending!!

Citizenship and Naturalization

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