Interview in NY - No decision made

United States

I had my interview today at 8:20AM. The interviewer called me in around 9:20AM.

He first went through the whole N-400 and asked me every question. It was like orally filling the form out. Then I told him about my traffic tickets. There were two - one in 2002 and the other in 2003. Both were speeding tickets (no DUI or anything like that). I had proof that both tickets were paid and kept the originals. He then asked to see my Selective Services card which I showed him. Then the english and history tests. I got all 10 questions correct. 

At the end he said, "Every thing looks good. Because of the tickets, I have to get your filed approved by my supervisor. But I will be recommending you for approval." He then gave me the N-652. The following boxes are checked:

  • You passed the tests of English and US history and government
  • USCIS will send you a written decision about your application
  • A decision cannot yet be made about your application.

He didnt ask me send in anything. He said that I should get my ceremony date in the mail in about a week. I asked him what would have happened if this tickets issue wasnt there. He said that he would approve me right there and also print out the oath letter and give it to me. But he said that this supervisor approval will only cause a delay of one week.

Citizenship and Naturalization

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