P Visa

New Direct Filing Addresses for L, O, and P Nonimmigrant Petitions for Beneficiaries in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina

USCIS has changed the direct filing addresses for where to file certain forms for beneficiaries who will be working or training in Florida, Georgia, or North Carolina. The changes are as follows: 

P Visa Overview

The P-Visa category covers entertainers and athletes who cannot qualify under the extraordinary ability standard for the O-category. The P-1 category is set aside for:

 1.    Alien athletes who compete individually or as part of a team at an internationally recognized level; and

Nonimmigrant Visas

USCIS Issues Precedent Appeals Decision on P-3 Nonimmigrant Visa Petition

Issuance Based on 2009 Petition by Los Angeles-based Skirball Cultural Center

Released May 15, 2012


WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) today issued a binding precedent decision addressing the term “culturally unique” and its significance in the adjudication of petitions for performing artists and entertainers.