Travel overseas on F-1

Question details

I am an international student on F-1 from France, I just finish my semester and I am now transferring to a new school starting classes early October. Since I have almost a month off, I had thought once I get my new I-20, about going back home in France for a couple of weeks, but when I said that to my new school advisor, he suggested that I shouldn't travel overseas until the thanksgiving break comes and after classes start, however; I am not sure that this information is correct. I thought that once I have my new I-20, I could go home and come back without any problem. Should I go or not?


I do not know the details of your case or your SEVIS status. If your International Students Advisor is experienced in immigration law (most of them are), you should take their advice but ask them to tell you the reason.

Nonimmigrant Visas

Immigration Law